Saturday, September 29, 2012

Holy Harley

It appears I am having a bit of a problem. I have become somewhat obsessed with getting a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. Not a Honda, not a Kawasaki, A Harley! I am a bit intimidated about learning to ride, but I will be ok. I can drive a car and shift gears, so I have to assume I can learn to shift gears on a motorcycle. After all, the average car gears have an "H" pattern and on a bike, they appear to be just up and down with the flick of a toe.

So, do you think I am crazy? I am 59 years of age and never ridden a bike alone. In the past, I have gotten drunk and been a passenger at the mercy of an operator who was also drunk and standing on the seat, Yes, I said STANDING! Nuts, I know, but all worked out well. We both lived and we figured at the time it was great fun. However, if I saw any of my kids doing that, I would freak right out and try to have them committed!

I will keep you updated on the progress of my latest obsession.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

One More Time

I've decided to give the blog a second chance. It has been a year since I have posted anything and I guess in a way, I have missed it. I have gotten into a lot of trouble with my comments and thoughts, but I guess it isn't a blog if you keep it all to yourself. 

I had written a blog 2 times before, the first time I spent a great deal of time venting my frustrations about my husband's oldest son. After finally hearing some of the absolutely disgusting things he did to my daughter, I have decided he isn't worth the effort it took to be frustrated with him. At this point, if I ever see him again, it will be too soon. I have no room in my life for people that abuse children. He molested my daughter when he was 15 and she was 9. His father confronted him on it and his reply was "I really don't remember". If I would have known then what I know now, I think I might have killed him. I don't understand what goes though one's mind to think it is acceptable to do those types of things to a child. And to continue it is absolutely unacceptable. I do hope that Karma catches up with him and that he get what he deserves. The only thing that would be better is if I got to watch. My Angie has so many issues that are directly related to his behavior, and she is the one that is in therapy. He needs to be in therapy, or prison.

So, back to my original thought, I kept pissing people off with my first blog. Some people tell me that I am a little too outspoken for my own good. I say what is on my mind and I guess if they can't take it, it is their problem…

Then I started again and at that point, was frustrated with the step son and couldn't help but dwell on it, wondering what was wrong… Now I know what was and is wrong. The End
Things that I need to do: 1. Take Sadie Mae to the vet. The poor old thing, she will be 11 next month. She has issues with her butt. The last time I took her for her butt, the vet suggested that maybe she had cancer. They expressed her gland and sent her on her way. She has been doing well for a long time, but now not so much. 2. I need to get Miss Sophie her shots and have her spayed. She is young and has more energy than the other two dogs combined, with a bit more to spare. Roger calls her "Pookie", It fits. She is a screwball!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's Time

I have been doing a bit of soul searching lately. I have come to the conclusion that my "issues" are bigger than I am and I need some assistance dealing with them. One of the things that I have found out is that I am an angry person. I have a few ideas of what I am so angry about, but I have not come to terms with how to deal with it...Yet. I have also found that I wake up in the morning, and I mean Most mornings and my body it tight, firm, rigid... Fists clenched, Legs, arms and shoulders tight, and jaws clamped tightly together. Then, when I realize I am all clenched up, I have to physically make myself relax.
I have been reading about meditation the past week or so, and I would like to look deeper into that, I have also been curious about Yoga, but am looking for a good place to start. Today I have an appointment with a Therapist, who is also an ARPN so can prescribe meds. We will see what happens... I did talk to my regular doctor about this and he sent me through a series of tests. The tests show that I have a bit of an anxiety disorder. Hmmm, how about that.
Last week Roger's step Mom, sister, her two children, and a cousin came to Utah. They have been driving around the country for the past two weeks. They started in Florida and drove to Texas to visit with Roger's brother, then though New Mexico, went to the Grand Canyon, came up through southern Utah, spent a day and a half here in the Salt Lake area, then went on to Yellowstone, Mt Rushmore, and will be back in Florida some time today... About 6,000 miles all together. Whew, when they go for a ride, they don't mess around. Anyway, the day they were scheduled to arrive here, I got so wound up about it that I threw up all over myself... Issues? Just a few...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Holy Crap!

Sometimes I am just shocked and amazed by all of the crap people keep. I personally, have stuff that I have had for years, and other than that, it is totally useless for me to keep it, I mean I will most likely never use it again. Some of the stuff that I have, I've been packing around for years, from one apartment to the next and have not used it at all. Roger and I moved into a 2 bedroom apartment and as of today, we have not made any headway in getting rid of any of the junk we have carried around with us all of these years. I have three boxes of things I have weeded out that I will send to Deseret Industries. The good folks there will put up for sale for a minimal price and someone who is a lot like me will come get it and pack it around with them for a few years, then they will box it up one day and send it on its way to a new home.

I have several boxes containing Christmas stuff… Room decorations and tree decorations and enough lights to light the Time Square Christmas Tree! And, needless to say I am the proud owner of THREE artificial trees. Well, the time has come to purge. I am sure there is some needy family somewhere that would love to add all of my crap to their crap. I know I say that every time we move and I usually do unload quite a bit of stuff, but I still end up keeping stuff I do not and will not use. I know its nuts.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Living in the Mountains

Roger and I have decided we need to move back to the valley in order to save a bit of money that, at this point seems to be getting spent on gasoline and not on paying bills or taking care of necessities. Now the task at hand is to find a place that will house all of our junk. I say junk because we seem to be collectors. Roger keeps and collects all sorts of things that for the most part is just stuff. I think he has a bit of "hoarder" locked somewhere in his soul. And me, I just think I need at least two of everything, whether I really need it or not. I think on both our parts, it's a mental thing. We really do have issues with all of this stuff.

While living up here I have learned a lot about myself. Perhaps that is the reason we ended up coming here for the short time we have been here. It has just been since November that we have been here, just 4 short months. In those 4 months, we have spent nearly $1,000 on heating fuel (way too much!!!)which in a regular apartment using natural gas, would be the equivalent of tw0 years worth of heat, and an additional $1,200 on gasoline to run up and down the mountain. Excuse my French, but HOLY SHIT!

I have learned that if I really want to live in a log cabin, I want one that is well insulated, well built, with level floors and uses a fuel that is more cost efficient than Liquid Propane.

I have learned that no matter who you call, unless that person or business is IN KAMAS, it is a long distance phone call.

I have learned that I don't particularly like being alone most of the time.

I have learned that I have a bad attitude about life. It kind of sucks most of the time.

I have learned that I am a political person, no ifs ands or buts about it. I never thought I was a political person, but with the state of the nation these days, I have found myself spouting off about a lot of things of a political nature.
