Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's Time

I have been doing a bit of soul searching lately. I have come to the conclusion that my "issues" are bigger than I am and I need some assistance dealing with them. One of the things that I have found out is that I am an angry person. I have a few ideas of what I am so angry about, but I have not come to terms with how to deal with it...Yet. I have also found that I wake up in the morning, and I mean Most mornings and my body it tight, firm, rigid... Fists clenched, Legs, arms and shoulders tight, and jaws clamped tightly together. Then, when I realize I am all clenched up, I have to physically make myself relax.
I have been reading about meditation the past week or so, and I would like to look deeper into that, I have also been curious about Yoga, but am looking for a good place to start. Today I have an appointment with a Therapist, who is also an ARPN so can prescribe meds. We will see what happens... I did talk to my regular doctor about this and he sent me through a series of tests. The tests show that I have a bit of an anxiety disorder. Hmmm, how about that.
Last week Roger's step Mom, sister, her two children, and a cousin came to Utah. They have been driving around the country for the past two weeks. They started in Florida and drove to Texas to visit with Roger's brother, then though New Mexico, went to the Grand Canyon, came up through southern Utah, spent a day and a half here in the Salt Lake area, then went on to Yellowstone, Mt Rushmore, and will be back in Florida some time today... About 6,000 miles all together. Whew, when they go for a ride, they don't mess around. Anyway, the day they were scheduled to arrive here, I got so wound up about it that I threw up all over myself... Issues? Just a few...

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